Shop right from the farm

Artisan cheese, fresh milk, local products, and so much more.

The Farmgate Store is always a highlight to a farm visit. Browse the wide variety of local foods, farm toys, gifts, and of course, our own lineup of over a dozen cheeses.

Open Tuesday-Sunday.

  • Of course, cheese

    Our full line of cheeses plus seasonal favourites are all available for purchase.

    Learn more 
  • Full LQC logo milk bottle held by customer

    Farm fresh milk, on tap

    Bring a clean container or purchase one from us. Pasteurized, unhomogenized, whole milk goodness.

    Learn more 
  • The espresso bar

    The freshest latte you ever tasted, featuring locally roasted Creekmore Coffee and our own fresh milk. A match made in coffee heaven.

  • Local foods

    From crackers to jellies, pickles to chocolates - we carry a wide range of incredible local products to enjoy with your cheese.

  • Freezer filled with various meats packaged and labelled in shelving units

    Food Staples

    We're proud to offer a selection of excellent local meats, eggs, as well as our own grass-fed beef.

  • Gifts

    From cheese kits to cheese boards, we carry a range of attractive and useful kitchenware to serve and store your cheese and inspire your creativity.

  • Farm-themed toys including John Deere tractors, farm animals, and games


    For the John Deere fan within you.

  • LQC logo mug held by person with campfire in background


    We've teamed up with awesome Canadian companies to bring you merch, LQC style.

Farm fresh milk

Canada's original milk-on-tap dispenser

Fill up on the best milk you ever tasted! Bring a bottle or buy one in store.

Learn more
A package of Little Qualicum Cheeseworks' Island Brie sits at the end of a long dinner table set for a feast.

The center of your next gathering.

Browse our cheeses
A freezer is stocked with assorted grass-fed beef cuts.

Grass-fed beef

raised on our farm

Explore our selection of grass-fed beef, ethically raised on our own farm in Parksville, BC. Shop steak cuts, roasts, ground, and more at our Farmgate Store.

Learn more

Gifting was never easier

Choose from one of our made to order gift baskets.