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Little Qualicum Cheeseworks

Old Smokey

Old Smokey

Smoked raw-milk cheese

B.F. 30% | Moist. 36%

  • cartoon clockAged: 12+ months
  • Unpasteurized

Soft ■■■■■■■□ Firm

Approachable ■■■■□□□□ Adventurous

A naturally smoked aged alpine cheddar. Nutty and warm with a firm texture.


Milk, salt, cultures, enzyme, calcium chloride

Additional Information

Unit size: ~200g

Vegetarian, Nut Free, Gluten Free, Lactose Free*
*The cheesemaking process converts lactose (milk sugar) into lactic acid. Cheeses that are aged for long periods of time and are likely to have very small or non-measurable levels of lactose.

All of our cheeses are made using cow's milk.

Where to buy

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  • Taste

    Nutty, sweet, mature, woody, smokey, warm, bacon

  • Pair

    Rustic bread, savoury preserves, nuts, dried fruit

Crafted with care, every step of the way.

Happy cows = good milk = good cheese.