It's been a while since we've entered our cheese in competition, but thanks to the encouragement of friends & customers we recently sent three of our cheeses off to compete in Toronto! We were thrilled to be at the Royal Agricultural Fair in its 101st year next to excellent cheeses from across Canada.
The exciting part - Our Island Brie placed 3rd and Sunshine Feta placed 2nd in their respective categories! We’re so thrilled and proud of our staff because here, it takes a team to make great cheese.
🐄 Albert makes sure our mantra “happy cows = good milk” stays true every day.
🧀 Levi oversees our cheesemaking operations and ensures our quality milk becomes quality cheese.
📦 Viktoriya’s team packs every piece of cheese that leaves this place.
⚙️ Chelsea makes everything work together.
🗂️ Our store, office, and marketing staff work closely to get our products to you.
And our amazing customers keep us going with their support! We're beyond grateful to be part of such a wonderful & supportive community.