Smashed Brussels Sprouts with Crispy Cheese
Is anything quite so wonderful as finding even more ways to use cheese? 🤤 These crispy crunchy Brussels were inspired by a recipe from last year (Read: Crispy Cheesy Potatoes). "Smashing" creates more surface area for the cheese to cling to, which which means more room for cheese to get crispy and contrast with the just-soft-enough sprouts. They're really good.
They're SO simple, you hardly need measurements! It's one of those deliciously easy throw-together weeknight foods that we just love and hope you will too.
1. Prepare & steam Brussels sprouts.
2. Shred cheese - our favourites for this are LQC's Qualicum Spice and Mt. Moriarty.
3. Smash Brussel sprouts on a baking tray. Drizzle with olive oil.
4. Season with salt and anything else you like. Sprinkle the shredded cheese over and toss until it's evenly distributed.
5. Bake at 425°F/220°C for 25-30 min or until cheese is golden and bubbling.